Thursday 6 November 2014

Escape From Monkey Island - Part 2

Good morrow young sea faring adventurers, we meet again! Welcome to part 2 of my Escape From Monkey Island game walkthrough. In part 1, we went to Lucre Island, freed Guybrush from being framed for a robbery at Lucre Bank, found the Marley heirlooms, found out LeChuck was 'back from the dead' using Charles L. Charles as an undercover name to run against Elaine in Melee Island elections, and finally found out what this 'Ultimate Insult' is all about. Safe to say, it is never dull in the life of Guybrush Threepwood - and we still have another whole disc to go through of his adventures!

Fast forward to where we are at the moment - at the start of disc 2, we are on Jumbalaya Island, an island that, for authenticity sake, looks as if it has thrown in the 'pirate' towel long ago. It is clean, modern and has absolutely nothing pirate-y about it.

Carla disappears into town, Mister Cheese is, once again, mending the ship, and Otis has gone down to the end of the harbour. Next to the Dainty Lady there is a 'Community Rowboat'. If you go into it, you will be shown a map of Jambalaya Island and Knuttin Attol. There are a fair few places to visit and lots of things to do before Guybrush can think about moving on...

Head up to town. Outside Planet Threepwood, you find Murray being a 'greeter / bouncer' for the restaurant. You talk about the Ultimate Insult and you find out that you need a monkey head as the headpiece. Now head into Planet Threepwood and talk to the goofy looking pirate down in the left hand corner. Talk to him about the Ultimate Insult and find out that the monkey head reminds him of the Silver Monkey Mug they giveaway at Planet Threepwood. If you also try to convince him that you are the 'real' Guybrush Threepwood, he laughs, saying Guybrush is 7 feet tall, wears a hat and has the ghost of his parrot on shoulder.

Now head to the 'jolly pirate' and ask for a charicature with these features on it. Answer the questions with 'I'm partial to the clang of a good sword fight', 'Nothing makes a bold fashion statement like a pirate with a parrot on his shoulder...' and answer the last one by saying read books. Before you can order anything from 'Elayne Marley' the waitress, you need someway to pay for it, as, for the time being, you are penniless.

Now go outside and talk to the pirate standing next to the statue of Tiny LaFeet. Show him the image of the Ultimate Insult. He says that the bronze hat came from the statue next to him, but he says that the hat was stolen by pirates on Knuttin Attol. He also says that the son of Tiny LaFeet lives on Knuttin Attol - the island you can get to on the Community Rowboat down by the Dainty Lady.

Enter the Micro Groggery. Here, you will find Carla and a Menacing Mechanical Manatee. If you talk to the bartender, he says how they are giving away a free Planet Threepwood Silver Monkey Mug for anyone who can stay on the manatee for the longest. However, when Guybrush tries it out first time, he can't even stay on it on the 'bed wetter' setting... not a good start at all to defend his position as 'mighty pirate'. You need to find something to put on the manatee in order to keep Guybrush on it for longer.

In the meantime, head out and go down to the Starbuccaneers Coffee shop. You see an empty cappaccino mug in the window. Pick it up when you go into the shop (just behind the plants). Talk to the strange looking lady in the purple hat and she thinks that the golden man might be the diving trophy.
So now you know what each of the three items you need for the Ultimate Insult are:

1) Silver Monkey Mug from Planet Threepwood

2) Bronze hat from the Tiny LaFeet statue

3) Golden trophy for diving competition

Now pick up the coffee mug that the lady has in her bag - Guybrush will distract the lady by saying there's an offer on coffee beans. Head to the counter and pick up one of the free bagels and eat it. Guybrush will spit it back out because of its horrific taste - you now have a chewing gum esque paste. Talk to the coffee clerk and use the empty coffee cup to get a free refill of groggoccino. Try it out and you will get a shot of energy that is enough to cure any hangover. Head back to the Micro Groggery and hand the groggoccino to Carla. You need to find something a lot more powerful to sober her up according to Guybrush.

'May your life be big, and your splashes be small'

In the meantime, go down the tall rock where you will find the plank diving championships being held. You meet Marco de Pollo, the current champion of plank diving. To dive against Marco de Pollo, you need to get certified by the judging committe. You pass the physical test with the diving judges and are now able to dive against Marco de Pollo.

You try diving against him normally and the following combinations occur:

Spinning Swordsman - Alpha Monkey - Spinning Swordsman
Keelhaul - Alpha Monkey - Spinnin Swordsman.
Keelhaul - Rum barrel - Spinning Swordsman

No matter how many times you practice honing your diving skills, you can not beat Marco de Pollo by diving ability alone - not that Guybrush is any good at diving whatsoever... You need to play dirty, so to speak. You need to make Marco produce a very bad dive and you need to get the grouchy man to stop giving Marco 10's and start giving you good scores. Note the bottle of baby seal oil on the table to the right of Marco de Pollo, this will be important in future...

In the meantime, go to Stan's Time Share down on the east side of the island. Here you get to meet glitchy arm movement Stan again selling time shares. He jokingly says how the life insurance turned into a 'dead end' and then laughs at his own joke... If you ask him to give you his real estate pitch, it is 3 hours long and Guybrush ends up dozing off. You need to find a way to keep Guybrush awake throughout. This is where that groggoccino comes in handy! Drink the groggoccino and then listen to the pitch. Once you hear the whole pitch, you will be handed a free coupon for a Planet Threepwood mug. Head back to Planet Threepwood and pick up your free Monkey Mug. However, you cannot just pick up the mug, you need to swap it for your StarBuccaneer's mug. But not just outright swap it, you need to make it look like the original Monkey Mug. At the moment, you don't have the items to make a realistic swap.

Moving away from the table means the waitress will take the Monkey Mug away and you will have to get another coupon from Stan.

Head back to the ship and get in the community boat and row towards Knuttin Atoll. However, you get attacked and questioned by the regulations officer of the island. Admiral Casaba is the man who Ozzie Mandrill has commissioned with the safeguarding of all things on Knuttin Atoll. Now row to the southern coast of Knuttin Atoll. Safe to say, you are 'welcomed' by somewhat of a bleak picture, with only a school, a puppet show, and a boulder filled beach to show for itself.

Talk to the puppeteer about being Hellbeard. As soon as you mention anything about the Ultimate Insult, he starts to go insane and makes you talk to the puppets again. Now head to the right just past the small shack until you find a beach with two pirates on it. Talk to the 'metabollically challenged' pirate - it turns out to be Jumbeaux LeFeet. He has two parrots on his shoulders - Huggin and Kyssin as Jumbeaux would like to call them - identical twins - one of which tells the truth all the time, and the other who constantly lies. He exclaims how he buried the bronze hat under a boulder along the Knuttin Atoll beach. You will need to use both the parrots to figure out the way to the boulder that Jumbeaux hid his father's bronze hat underneath.

Now head up towards the Pirate Transmogrification Academy. Once you are in the class, you see there is a dunce cap on the front table. You will need to get that dunce cap and use it for diving against Marco de Pollo.

Answer your 1st question with: 'I burn the restaurant to the ground, and string the chef up by his kidneys!'

Answer your 2nd question with: 'Taking advantage of their mutual distraction, I impale both men on my trusty sword, and steal their gold!'

Answer your 3rd question with: 'I disembowel the stranger with a dagger, hide his body in a nearby alley, and take his wallet!'

You have the dunce cap! Yusss! Guybrush loves it. Head back inside the classroom and try to pick up one of the toys in the chest on the side. You need to either distract Miss Rivers or find the owner of said item to collect it. Now go outside, pull the fire alarm and then head back inside to take some of the loot inside the chest. Pick up the whistle, toy ship, SCAB magazine, and pirate gaming card. Once you have all of these items you can head off away from the school.

Head back to the diving judges and hand the brochure you got from Stan's stand to the grumpy judge to bribe him to give you a better score. Tell Marco de Pollo you want another dive off. Now use the chewed bagel sludge to pour into the baby seal oil that Marco de Pollo uses before each dive. Notice once you have done this, a seagull swoops down. Initially this does not change his diving success so you need to do something else too.

Now go and talk to the hippie judge to see what you are doing wrong with your dives. He tells you that you need to match Marco de Pollo's dives move for move. He says that there are four types of dives that you can do. They are as follows:

1) Keelhaul - Up
2) Rum Barrell - Down
3) Spinning Swordsman - Right
4) Alpha Monkey - Left

You select the dives you will do before you dive off the plank so that three golden man statues appear on the left of your screen. Make sure you select each one as the same as Marco de Pollo's ones.

You match Marco de Pollo's dives and get 10's all around from the judges. You now have to dive first. Perform any dives you want to do. He goes and puts the sabotaged baby seal oil on. This leads to the seagulls swooping down and distracting his dives. This gives him the scores of 10, 1 and 3 from the judges. Guybrush now has the golden man that makes up 1/3 of the Ultimate Insult. Now all he needs is the bronze hat and the monkey mug.


Cutscene to Elaine running against Charles L. Charles. Elaine is getting grossly outwitted by LeChuck in the elections and is on course to lose the mansion to him.


Now go back to Knuttin Attoll and head to the right of where Jumbeaux LeFeet is and there you find the beach filled with boulders. Use the parrot whistle to attract the two parrots from Jumbo's shoulders. To know which parrot is the truth telling parrot and which one is the lying parrot, give one of them a drink of cappuccino. Another way to do this, is to get a free mug of 'wimpy grog' from the bartender at the Micro Groggery. Nonetheless, these are the directions that I recieved from the truth telling pirate:


When you ask the truth telling parrot after this final one, it says for Guybrush to go 'nowhere'. You have found the rock the bronze hat is under. However, there is no way that Guybrush would be able to move the rock on his own so you need to find a way to get Admiral Casaba to fire a cannonball at it, and the only way to do that is to get three pirates talking around it. As a side note, you will automatically be taken to the big boulder each time you head down the path to the right of Jumbeaux La Feet so do not worry about having to do it all over again. If you try to get Jumbeaux to help Guybrush move the rock, he says that his days of lifting heavy objects is over. The only other way to find 'two pirates' is by getting hold of the two puppets from Hellbeard somehow, but everytime Guybrush asks him about the Ultimate Insult, he hides away. However, if you say that you'll leave him alone, then he stays above the parapet so to speak. You now have your chance to get the puppets. Take out the picture of the Ultimate Insult and show it to him. Hellbeard then drops the puppets and runs off out of his mini theatre. Pick up the puppets and head back to the big boulder that Tiny LaFeet's bronze hat is under.

Pull out the puppets once you are next to the boulder. Get Guybrush to play act a fight between the two puppets so as to attract the attention of Admiral Casaba. He orders the big cannon to be fired at the boulder. You now have the bronze hat! You also now have everything you need from Knuttin Attoll so head back to Jumbalaya Island.


Now to get the Monkey Mug from Planet Threepwood. Head down to Stan's Time Share Emporium and pick up the jar of glue to the left of the door. Re-endulge yourself with Stan's epic 3 hour speech on Time Shares so that you get a free coupon for the mug. Now head up to the Micro Groggery and put the glue on to the seat of the manatee. Talk to the bartender and complete the manatee competition. You now have a Monkey Mug Meal coupon. If you want to make it really easy though, there are load of Planet Threepwood coupons on the barrel outside of the Micro Groggery also (I think they appear after you complete riding the manatee). Now you have two meal coupons for Planet Threepwood.

However, you still do not have the required items to swap the Silver Monkey Mug for the StarBuccaneer's coffee mug. Head to Planet Threepwood and use the coupon to order a drink. Once you have a drink, talk to the jolly pirate and convince him that you want a charicature with the Monkey Mug. Once you have the drawing, use the glue with the drawing, and then stick the image onto the StarBuccaneer's coffee mug. The monkey head from the drawing will be stuck onto the mug and you can now swap over the Silver Monkey Mug with the fake Monkey Mug.

Now head outside and you will be automatically escorted back to Melee Island. Upon returning, you find LeChuck and Ozzie Mandrill at the mansion. They end up taking away all of the items Guybrush has to create the Ultimate Insult. They then decide to maroon Guybrush on a far away island which is near-on impossible to escape from... you guessed it... Monkey Island!



ACT 3 - Escape From Monkey Island

You are greeted by the affectionate Timmy the monkey. Not the monkeys againnnn!!! Ohh yess, from here on out there will be monkeys galore.

Pick up the note on the pole near the exit of the beach and then head towards the campsite just ahead of the beach. Here, pick up the note on the side of the shack and the coconut on the floor. Head further inland and you will meet Herman Toothrot, a character you meet in a previous Monkey Island game. You find out that he has no memory of anything whatsoever so you need to jog his memory somehow. Throw the coconut at him. He remembers some of his past, mentioning how there is gold down in the canyon and that he has a banana picker. Don't throw the coconut at him more than once as he will just go back to remembering nothing.

Now go towards the canyon. There you will find three holes to throw the big boulders down. You need to find a way to make one of the rocks go down the middle hole. If one lands down to the right, then it gets flung towards the beach you landed on. If it lands down the left, then it lands at the bottom of the canyon. To make one go down the middle is very tricky though.

The way to throw the rocks into the corresponding holes so that they knock each other at the right time. This is as follows:

1) Right

2) Middle - Wait until the first boulder has knocked the branch before throwing this one

3) Left - Throw when the boulder you threw down the middle hole knocks the branch on the left

4) Left - Throw this final boulder when the middle boulder you threw hits the bottom branch. This will lead to the boulder having enough time to get to the middle shaft before carrying on down the middle shaft and flung out of the canyon and into the lava stream next to the volcano.

Now go to the canyon. Here you will find a note written to Herman Toothrot from JJJ to request him to stop mining. You will also find his banana picker he mentioned earlier, next to the cactus on the right of the screen.
Go into the mine shaft, you will find a boarded up passage, a lever to alter the track directions, and a big metal door with a portal and a vent. You can't fit through either of them so you'll need to find something small enough to fit through there... a monkey!

Head back to the beach you washed up on and use the banana picker on the bunch of bananas in the top left of the screen. You will only get one at a time but on the third time of picking them up the whole bunch falls from the tree. If you give Timmy a banana, he will follow you. He will follow you to the canyon then lose interest. Give him another one before going into the mineshaft. Now go to the big metal door at the end, open the vent at the bottom of it. Use a banana to pull Timmy into the vent. Close the vent door behind him and then use a banana with the portal so that he jumps and opens the door. 

This will open up a new passageway down to some very hi-tech machinery. Use the banana picker to pick up the weed whipper. Once you have the weed whipper, head back to the mine shaft.

Now go up to the lava field. Once there, a monkey throws what looks like to be a shiny bottle onto one of the rocks in the lava. You will need to find a way across to get there. To do this, go up to the cathedral at the top of the mountain. Here you meet Father Allegro Rasputin. He says the only way to defeat LeChuck and the Ultimate Insult is to create a bigger voodoo insult. Convince the priest that you want to test ride the lava ride. Now you have the boulder in the way of one of the routes, just guide Guybrush down into the small pool of lava.

Upon exiting the log ride, use the weed whipper to pick up the weeds from around the lava pool. This will lead to lava pouring into the mine shaft which is now opened up.

If you head to the right, you can go up towards the north of Monkey Island where you will find the great statue of a monkey and a village infested with monkeys. To get back to the rest of the island, you can just kick the palm tree so it makes a bridge across to the other side of the lava pool. Now take another ride on the log ride. To pick up the milk bottle, use the banana picker when you go past the rock with it on.

If you question Father Rasputin about the supposed marriage between Elaine and LeChuck, the priest says that it is Guybrush who is the 'Anti LeChuck' and that even muttering his name is considered blasphemy. 'He-whose-name-must-not-be-spoken' - sounds a bit familiar to me... who allowed J.K. Rowling to steal LucasArts classic lines?

If you go to the door out of the Cathedral, there are two tiny shields you can pick up with your banana picker too. Pick both of these up.

If you head up to the great monkey head, you find a Q-tip stuck in its ear which you can't dislodge and a switch up its nose. The grave to the right of the monkey head is Jo Jo Senior's.

'No one has any respect for history'

If you run into a monkey on the path up to the village they will come out with 'Monkey Insults' such as Och Chee Chee. Carry on up towards the village. Here, you meet Jo Jo Junior, a talking monkey! He is wearing the bronze hat that Guybrush needs in order to start to put together the Ultimate Insult. However, Jo Jo Junior says to win it he needs to win at Monkey Kombat.

This is how it works. The different moves available at your disposable are:

1) Gimpy Gibbon
2) Bobbing Babboon
3) Charging Chimp
4) Drunken Monkey
5) Anxious Ape

The Monkey Insults used are: Ick, Ack, Oop, Eek, and Chee

The ways to move from one move to another are as follows:

Ack Oop Eek = Anxious Ape - Gimpy Gibbon - Anxious Ape

Ack Eek Chee - Bobbing Babboon - Anxious Ape - Bobbing Babboon

Ack Chee Eek = Gimpy Gibbon - Bobbing Babboon - Gimpy Gibbon

Chee Ack Oop = Drunken Monkey - Bobbing Babboon - Drunken Monkey

Oop Eek Ack = Charging Chimp - Bobbing Babboon - Charging Chimp

Oop Ack Chee = Drunken Monkey - Charging Chimp - Drunken Monkey

Ack Chee Oop = Gimpy Gibbon - Drunken Monkey - Gimpy Gibbon

Oop Ack Eek = Charging Chimp - Gimpy Gibbon - Charging Chimp

Ack Eek Oop = Drunken Monkey - Anxious Ape - Drunken Monkey

Ack Oop Chee = Anxious Ape - Charging Chimp - Anxious Ape

Moves that defeat other moves

Gimpy Gibbon beats Drunken Monkey, Anxious Ape

Bobbing Babboon beats Drunken Monkey, Gimpy Gibbon

Charging Chimp beats Gimpy Gibbon, Bobbing Babboon

Drunken Monkey beats Charging Chimp

Anxious Ape beats Drunken Monkey, Bobbing Babboon, Charging Chimp

Moves you can't move between

Bobbing Babboon - Gimpy Gibbon

Gimpy Gibbon - Charging Chimp

Gimpy Gibbon - Anxious Ape

Keep Current position

Repeat three primal insult words in a row - e.g. Ack Ack Ack

Monkey Kombat with Jo Jo Jnr

Now you have all the insult combinations to take on Jo Jo Jnr in Monkey Kombat. 'Perhaps you are ready to fulfil the prophecies'. All you need to do is make sure you beat him every time you do your move. You will get down to 1 banana health. Hit him with a winning move and you will get him down to 1 banana health too. Jo Jo Jnr then does a move that means you both draw. All you need to do then is to hit him with a winning move and then you have won your bronze hat back!

I don't know about you, but that took too long to figure out!

You will need to get the accordion off of the monkey in the hut also. Remember those tiny little shields you picked up from the Monkey eyes above the exit to the Cathedral earlier? To get the accordion off of the monkey, just start using the shields as mini tambourines and he'll drop the accordion out of the hut. If you look at it, it has Herman Toothrot's initials on it.


Now to the issue of Herman Toothrot's memory. No matter what you throw at him, his memory doesn't come back. You can throw the banana picker, the milk bottle, the bronze hat and the coconut at him and nothing works. Now use the accordion you picked up from the monkey village. This still doesn't jog his memory at all.

If you hit him enough times with the coconut however, he remembers things that happened a few months - notably waking up next to a milk bottle. This is a clue as to what to throw at him next. End your conversation and throw a milk bottle at him. He now remembers Guybrush! We are finally making progress. Huzzah.

Now ask him his earliest memory. He remembers 20 years ago, and mentions about finding an accordion. This is your next clue! End the conversation with him and throw the accordion at Herman. The music changes and Herman remembers everything and tells Guybrush a story.


Cutscene to Herman telling Guybrush the story of him travelling to Australia, meeting Ozzie Mandrill, telling him about the lucrative opportunities in the Carribbean, Big Whoop, the Three Headed Monkey and the Ultimate Insult. Horatio Torquemeda Marley... Guybrush's grandfather!


Talk to Horatio. He will tell you that there is a fourth piece of the Ultimate Insult - the gubernatorial seal of Melee Island.


Cutscene to Elaine seeing the citizens of Melee Island being enslaved to build a commemorative statue of LeChuck. Pegnose Pete is now involved in the evil plans of Ozzie Mandrill and LeChuck and holds Elaine under gun arrest.


Once you finish talking to Horatio, head back up to the giant monkey head. Use the banana picker with the monkey's nose so as to open the latch. This will open the mouth of the monkey. Enter the newly found hidden passageway. You will come into a control room. There are levers, gauges and a prominent slot. You will need to put something into the prominent slot but at the moment you do not have anything that fits. Use the spare gubernatorial seal that Horatio just gave you with the prominent slot. Nothing happens. You need to find some monkeys.

Head back to talk to Toto Jnr. He says that they show a great deal of respect for the person who wears the bronze hat! However, Guybrush won't wear the bronze hat as there is too much monkey hair in it. In turn, go to the big monkey head and put the bronze hat on that. Now go inside the monkey head and put the gubernatorial seal into the prominent slot. All the monkeys turn up to work all the contraptions within the giant monkey head.


Cutscene to the giant monkey head turning into a robotic monkey. Horatio helps Guybrush get back to Melee Island. You need to turn off the Ultimate Insult 'amplifier' so as to curtail Ozzie Mandrill and LeChuck's evil plan.


Pick up the really big plank and use it with the small tower. Climb the small tower and jump on the really big plank. This will allow the robotic monkey to jump from the small tower to the medium tower and ultimately to the really really tall tower automatically. Push the switch.


Cutscene to Ozzie Mandrill and LeChuck in the Elaine and Guybrush's mansion trying to work out the Ultimate Insult. Guybrush has stalled them for a short time. This frustrates LeChuck and he goes and unleashes a voodoo curse to turn the statue of him in Melee Town into a living thing. This giant walking statue of LeChuck walks onto their front lawn but Ozzie manages to use the Ultimate Insult to control the statue. Jo Jo Junior then challenges LeChuck and Ozzie Mandrill to a Monkey Kombat fight. Time to re-apply our Monkey Kombat skills!

You cannot beat him as his health regenerates so you need to make sure you draw with him enough times to frustrate him to let Elaine go and ignore orders from Ozzie Mandrill.

Now, Horatio and Timmy are reunited with Elaine! Timmy scares Guybrush by using some Monkey Kombat insults and Guybrush jumps off the cliff.

You have now finished Escape From Monkey Island! I hope you have enjoyed the walkthrough and have found it useful. Come back for the next installment of walkthroughs on GuardianGamerOfTheGalaxy.

Until next time swashbuckling, sea faring pirate wannabes, until next time!

Jonathan Whithehead